Beans Health Benefits

7 Amazing Beans Health Benefits for Skin and Hair

Beans are seeds from the flowering plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. They are a great source of protein, fibre, iron, calcium, and vitamins with several Beans health benefits for your body. They can be used as vegetables and legumes as well. Typically, beans are legumes. 

Because of its high protein content, there are many beans health benefits for skin, babies, hair, and bone and also good for women during pregnancy. They contain all the essential nutrients and their nutrient values are higher in quantity.  

You think that this is sufficient information about beans’ benefits, but it’s not right at all. Beans are loaded with antioxidants that can stimulate you to add to your diet plan. There are many advantages of eating high-antioxidant foods like- Beans. 

Moreover, there is a list of healthy beans and vegetables that can give you an electric shock. Yes, you heard right. The best alternatives for the vegan who is seeking a high source of protein foods. 

You can easily make a wide variety of dishes that are healthy and delicious. The taste, you can’t refuse to eat more. 

Different Types of Beans 

There are numerous types of beans available on our planet, they are full of good nutrients. But, here are the 7 healthiest beans you should eat regularly. This 7 list of healthy beans has many health benefits. Beans are different in their nutritional value.  

  • Soybeans 
  • Kidney Beans 
  • Black Beans 
  • Peas 
  • Chickpeas 
  • Red Beans 
  • Green Beans 

Soybeans (Soya Beans) 

Soybeans are edible seeds loaded with all the essential nutrients. It also contains antioxidants that offer overall beans health benefits. Generally, Soybeans are a great source of protein-packed with good amounts of carbs and fat.  

Soybean is one of the richest sources of plant-based protein. The best option for vegans is to get a sufficient amount of protein every day. However, there are many forms of soybeans including soy milk, soya oil, and soya chunks. These all are extracted from the soy plant. 

Soybeans are very tasty and fully loaded with many beans health benefits. Thus, you can eat soya beans daily but a certain amount will be helpful for you. 

Apart from these, soybeans are commonly consumed across the world. They are fully loaded with important nutrients that you need daily. Let’s know more about its nutrients with values. The values are calculated out of 100 grams. 

Nutritional Values of Soybean 

  • Energy- 446 kcal 
  • Water- 9 g 
  • Carbohydrates- 30.16 g 
  • Sugars- 7.33 g 
  • Dietary fibre- 9.3 g 
  • Fat- 19.94 g 
  • Protein- 36.49 g 
  • Vitamin B6- 0.377 mg 
  • Folate (B9)- 375 μg 
  • Choline- 115.9 mg 
  • Vitamin C- 6.0 mg 
  • Vitamin E- 0.85 mg 
  • Vitamin K- 47 μg 
  • Calcium- 277 mg 
  • Copper- 1.658 mg 
  • Iron- 15.7 mg 
  • Magnesium- 280 mg 
  • Manganese- 2.517 mg 
  • Phosphorus- 704 mg 
  • Potassium- 1797 mg 
  • Zinc- 4.89 mg 

Health Benefits of Soybeans 

As I already discussed, soya beans are loaded with high protein and other essential nutrients. They are responsible for several beans health benefits. Eating soya chunks can have also many health benefits, they are easy to cook. You can cook them in a hurry time. 

  • Help in sleeping 
  • Control diabetes 
  • Good for bone 
  • Support pregnancy 
  • Improve heart health 

Kidney Beans (Rajma) 

Kidney beans are red-shaped like a kidney and commonly belong to the legume family. They are in different colours but mainly light red or dark red.  

Kidney beans are rich sources of plant-based protein loaded with healthy fibres, fats, minerals, and vitamins. They are commonly known as Rajma in Asian countries. 

There are many kidney beans health benefits when you consume them regularly. They are used to making several traditional dishes. Kidney beans are very delicious but don’t eat them raw.  

Kidney beans are antioxidants that help in weight loss, control blood sugar levels, and prevent cancer. Consuming red beans can be healthy and boost your all-around health. Thus, plant-based food for all whether you’re non-vegan. Vegans are superfoods. 

Although they are commonly consumed across the world. They are fully loaded with essential nutrients that can easily fulfil your needs.  

Here are some figures that will force you to consider eating them daily. Have a look at their nutritional value. 

Nutrition Facts (Amount Per 100 grams) 

  • Calories- 333 
  • Carbohydrate- 60 g  
  • Dietary fibre- 25 g  
  • Sugar- 2.2 g  
  • Protein- 24 g 
  • Fat- 0.8 g  
  • Vitamin C- 4.5 mg 
  • Vitamin B6- 0.4 mg 
  • Sodium- 24 mg  
  • Potassium- 1,406 mg  
  • Calcium- 143 mg 
  • Iron- 8.2 mg 
  • Magnesium- 140 mg  

Health Benefits of Kidney Beans 

Kidney beans are loaded with high protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. These nutrients are very important for the proper functioning of your body. There are several kidney beans health benefits if you eat regularly.  

  • Control diabetes 
  • Lower cholesterol 
  • Reduce weight 
  • Improve digestion 
  • Good for heart  

Black Beans  

Black beans are black hard edible seeds that come from the legume family. Black bean is a good source of protein, dietary fibre, carbs, vitamins, and minerals.  

These are very important and good for your health. Numerous black beans health benefits keep you healthy and safe.  

The antioxidants help your body fight against several serious medical conditions. Black beans are also useful as other legumes and you can make a selection of tasty and healthy dishes.  

It provides a nutritional profile required for your body to perform better. A superfood is full of healthy components that are responsible for overall health.  

Similarly, Black beans are a plant-based source of nutrients. If you’re a vegan but don’t get enough protein from your diet, you can add them to your diet plan. Black beans can easily fulfil your daily needs for protein and other nutrients. 

Don’t believe me if you can’t! But, you have to believe in these nutritional values and why you should eat black beans daily. Just have a look. The nutritional values are taken out of 100 grams. 

Nutrition Facts of Cooked Black Beans  

  • Calories- 341 
  • Fat- 1.42g 
  • Sodium- 5mg 
  • Carbohydrate- 62g 
  • Dietary Fiber- 15.2g 
  • Sugar- 2.25g 
  • Protein- 21.6g 
  • Calcium- 123mg 
  • Iron- 5mg 
  • Potassium- 1483mg 

Health Benefits of Black Beans 

Black beans contain high protein-packed dietary fibre. They have several vitamins and minerals that are responsible for good health.  

Moreover, The black bean is also an antioxidant that has many beans health benefits. When you start eating black beans you feel that something is good inside you. 

  • Lower blood pressure 
  • Manage diabetes 
  • Good for heart health 
  • Weight loss 
  • Strengthening bones  

Peas (Matar) 

Peas are small spherical seeds that come from the legume family. The pea is green in colour when it is raw. After drying, it is light yellow. Peas are a great source of protein, vitamins, carbs, and fibre. These are commonly called Matar in India. 

However, peas are used to cook a variety of delicious dishes across the world. People consume them as vegetables or pulses in some places. But Don’t panic, you depend on you how to eat them whether in the form of vegetables or a pulse. 

Moreover, peas are green beans that offer many beans health benefits. Peas are Antioxidants that are responsible for overall health.  

A Pea boosts the immune system makes you stronger from the inside and prevents you from infections. Consuming peas regularly may lead to reducing the risk of many deadly diseases.  

Having a bowl of peas can be helpful so, what do you say? Are you ready to eat green beans daily? Before starting to eat them, you have to know about green beans’ nutritional value. The given amount of peas nutrition per 100 grams. 

Peas Nutrition Facts (Raw) 

  • Calories- 81 
  • Carbs- 14 g 
  • Sugar- 6 g 
  • Fibre- 5 g 
  • Protein- 5 g 
  • Vitamin A- 765 IU 
  • Vitamin C- 40 mg 
  • Iron- 1.5 mg 

These are brief about pea’s nutrition. Hence, you should eat them every day. Peas can fulfil your daily need for nutrients. 

Health Benefits of Peas 

Peas are a good source of high protein-packed and essential nutrients. Peas are fully loaded with vitamins and minerals that are responsible for good health. There are many green beans health benefits you should know. 

  • Improve metabolism 
  • Good for eye health 
  • Support heart 
  • weight loss 
  • Good for your skin  

Chickpeas (Kabuli Chana) 

Chickpeas are edible seeds that belong to the legume family. Generally, they are in many colours but yellow is common in some parts of the world.  

Chickpeas are also known as Bengal gram (Chana) or Kabuli chana in some Indian states. Moreover, some places are also called chole.  

Chickpea is a rich source of protein, vitamins, fibre, iron, calcium, and minerals. If you don’t know the yellow beans health benefits, it’s ok but you must have an idea about their health benefits. They contain a lot of antioxidants that are very important for your health. 

They are commonly used to prepare many recipes. I’m damn sure, most of the kitchen has chickpeas. You can make a variety of vegetables as you wish and also consume them as the pulse.  

A superfood that offers many beans health benefits to your body and prevents you from disease.  

Consuming chickpeas is good whether you want to add them to your lunch or dinner. A great option for those who are looking for a high-protein source of food.  

There is something for you all to start eating regularly. The given amount of chickpeas nutrition per 100 grams.  

Chickpeas Nutrition Facts (Raw) 

  • Calories- 378 
  • Fat- 6 g 
  • Carbs- 63 g 
  • Sugar- 11g 
  • Fibre- 12 g 
  • Protein- 20 g 
  • Vitamin A- 67 IU 
  • Vitamin C- 4 mg 
  • Iron- 6.2 mg 
  • Calcium- 105 mg 

Health Benefits of Chickpeas 

Chickpeas are loaded with high protein and essential nutrients. chickpeas contain antioxidants that are responsible for overall health. Chickpeas offer a lot of beans health benefits.  

Chickpeas are an excellent replacement for meat and an alternative option for vegans to consume them instead of meat. 

  • Good for the digestive system 
  • Control blood pressure 
  • Good for diabetic patient 
  • Prevent you from Cancer 
  • Improve heart health 
  • Manage weight  

Red Beans 

Red beans are small and red-shaped and belong to the legume family. They come in different colours such as red and dark red. Red beans are rich sources of plant-based protein loaded with healthy fibres, fats, minerals, and vitamins. 

Red beans are an excellent low-fat source of protein. They are high in dietary fibre and are also packed with a lot of antioxidants. Antioxidants are the best friend of your health, they strengthen your immunity to fight against infection. 

There are numerous red beans health benefits, so you should consume them regularly. You can make a variety of dishes which are good in taste and the best in health. Kidney beans are also red beans that are very delicious. 

Red beans are a rich source of protein and essential nutrients that help in weight loss, control blood sugar levels and prevent cancer.  

Consuming red beans can be healthy and boost your all-around health. Thus, plant-based foods are always the greatest choice to eat regularly. 

You can easily manage your calorie intake daily, red beans contain high protein that keeps you fuller throughout the day. A superfood to control appetite. 

Although they are commonly consumed across the world. They are fully loaded with essential nutrients that can easily fulfil your needs.  

The best part of red beans is that you can add them to your diet plan easily. There are some nutritional measurements of red beans. 

Nutritional Facts (100 grams) 

  • Calories- 333 
  • Carbohydrate- 60 g  
  • Fibre- 25 g  
  • Fat- 0.8 g 
  • Sodium- 24 mg 
  • Potassium- 1,406 mg 
  • Sugar- 2.2 g  
  • Protein- 24 g  
  • Vitamin C- 4.5 mg 
  • Calcium- 143 mg 
  • Iron- 8.2 mg 
  • Magnesium- 140 mg  

Red Beans Health Benefits

Red beans contain antioxidants loaded with high protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. These all nutrients are responsible for the proper functioning of your body.  

There are so many red beans health benefits to eating regularly. Some of the health benefits of eating red beans include: 

  • Improve heart health 
  • Weight loss 
  • Good for diabetes 
  • Enhance digestion 
  • Lower cholesterol 

Green Beans 

Green beans are edible seeds that are in different colours. Mostly, green when it is raw. There are a variety of green beans available across the world. They are consumed as a vegetable and used to prepare many delicious dishes. 

Generally, green beans are good in protein, vitamins, calcium, minerals, iron, and dietary fibre. The best source of nutrients with less sodium.  

Consuming green beans regularly can be helpful. There are a lot of green beans health benefits including strong and healthy bones.  

You can eat them daily if you do so, I bet that you will feel always better than ever. You can easily manage your calorie intake daily, green beans contain good protein that keeps you fuller throughout the day. Thus, you can easily control your hunger.  

Although they are good for your health. Because of the antioxidants present in green beans. Anyway, they are loaded with essential nutrients that can easily fulfil your needs. The best options for green vegetable lovers who always prefer to be greeny.  

By adding to your diet plan, you may manage your daily calorie intake. There is some green beans’ nutritional value. All amounts are calculated per 100 grams each.  

Nutrition Facts  

  • Calories- 31 
  • Carbohydrate- 7 g  
  • Fibre- 3.4 g  
  • Cholesterol- 0 mg 
  • Sodium- 6 mg 
  • Potassium- 209 mg 
  • Protein- 2 g  
  • Vitamin C- 16.3 mg 
  • Vitamin K- 15 mg 
  • Calcium- 37 mg 
  • Iron- 1 mg 
  • Magnesium- 25 mg  

Health Benefits of Green Beans 

Green beans contain antioxidants loaded with essential nutrients including protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. These all nutrients are very important for a healthy body.  

There are several green beans health benefits of eating regularly. Some of them are mentioned here. 

  • Support pregnancy 
  • Strengthen bones 
  • Good for mental health 
  • Improve skin and hair health 
  • Good for eyes 

Beans Health Benefits

As I already discussed different types of beans with their nutritional value and health benefits. But, there are the following 7 surprising beans health benefits for skin & hair. 

  1. Good for skin and hair  
  1. Help in pregnancy 
  1. Improve heart health 
  1. Control blood sugar 
  1. Help in weight loss 
  1. Boost immunity 
  1. Improve brain health 

Good for Skin and Hair  

Beans are rich sources of protein, iron, zinc, and biotin. Protein is very important to maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. Protein is made up of amino acids. 9 essential amino acids are necessary for your body.  

Amino acids are the building blocks of collagen, elastin, and keratin, These are structural substances that are responsible for healthy skin, hair, and nails. 

Protein is essential to recover and repair damaged tissue of skin, hair, and nails. Consuming adequate protein can easily fulfil your daily needs to support skin, hair, and nail health. Beans health benefits are very effective for skin and hair health.

So, why don’t you eat enough protein to make your skin, hair, and nails stronger and shinier? 

Help in Pregnancy 

A balanced diet is very important for women especially when you’re pregnant. One of the most important factors that affect pregnant women’s overall health during pregnancy. 

Beans are a superfood that supports pregnant women. They are loaded with essential nutrients including folate. Folate is very important and plays a vital role in the growth and development of the fetus. Also, a good mother may help in delivery. 

Folic acid is very important but during pregnancy, women have to consume it more. Beans can be a good option for you. Beans are a great source of vitamin B. 

Eating a rich vitamin B diet can increase the production of red blood cells. It helps in the development of an embryo’s nervous system during the first trimester of pregnancy. There are beans health benefits for mother and baby.

Last but not least, plant-based sources of protein and vitamins are far better than others. So, try to eat more beans.  

Improve Heart Health 

Beans are nutritious foods that are loaded with essential nutrients that are very important for your heart health. Generally, beans don’t have cholesterol and bad cholesterol may cause to create many issues for the heart.  

High cholesterol is responsible for heart disease. They are packed with antioxidants that may help in reducing blood pressure. A high-fibre diet could be beneficial to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Beans are a plant-based food with many heart health benefits. 

Consuming beans regularly can lower blood pressure which may lead to a healthy heart. You can save yourself from heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. Consuming beans health benefits in improving heart health.

Take care of your heart, your heart will keep you alive! 

Control Blood Sugar 

Beans are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, these all may help control high blood sugar. Beans are superfoods that stabilize blood sugar levels and may be the best friend of diabetics. 

Consuming beans daily may lead to reducing the levels of sugar in the bloodstream. Beans are very effective in maintaining sugar in your blood. 

Eating beans may reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. A diabetic must have beans in her/his diet plan to minimize the risk of diabetes.  

Thus, you can protect yourself from being a diabetic patient and also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. 

Why beans are responsible for balancing your blood sugar levels in the bloodstream. Because of the low sugar presence, when you consume a highly sugary diet then there will be more risk of becoming a diabetic.  

So, don’t worry! you know what to do. Start eating beans today and onwards to save! There are also beans health benefits in controlling blood sugar levels in the bloodstream.

Help in Weight Loss 

Beans are loaded with high protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. But, some of the beans are low in calories which may be good for your health. You can easily balance your daily calorie intake.  

As you know beans are high in protein and dietary fibre that keep your energy levels high. Don’t you need to eat more? 

Is this right? you think so. You’re right. A high-protein diet can keep you feeling fuller longer. You don’t feel hungry. 

Moreover, beans are low on saturated fat, you know saturated fats are bad fat that is the major cause of weight gain. Indeed, they are stored in the adipose tissue of your body. 

When you consume beans, actually you’re cutting your calories too. Eating beans means that you’re full of protein. A protein-rich diet is one of the best ways to reduce calorie intake. Thus, you’re reducing fat in your body. 

However, they are also low in carbs, but they help maintain energy levels in your body. So, having a cup of healthy beans has many beans health benefits. You’ve already known.  

Boost Immunity 

Beans are a great source of protein, vitamins, fibre, and minerals. But, is also an antioxidant that is very important for a healthy body. Because of healthy nutrients, there are beans health benefits such as improving digestion, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation.  

Beans have healthful gut bacteria that support your immune and help your body to defend itself from infections. A complete protein diet that helps in building blocks of cells and tissues.  

When it happens, you’re stronger than before and makes your body disease-resistant. 

Beans are high in protein means you’re producing enough enzymes. Enzymes are good for your digestion and make your digestive system strong. Your body can easily digest food. An antioxidant may help in absorption.  

Antioxidants improve your metabolism and you’re able to break down food molecules easily. Antioxidants also help your body to remove free radicals. Hence, beans health benefits can prevent disease. 

If you’re consuming sufficient beans, it means you’re boosting your immunity system. So, what do you want to say? Are you willing to eat more beans today? 

Improve Brain Health 

Beans are high in protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are very important for your body. When you’re talking about brain health, it’s more important to take care of your brain’s proper functioning.  

Vitamin B is a key factor in the growth and development of the brain. Having vitamin B-rich foods may be good for your mind. Beans are rich in vitamin B which means they have folate too.  

Folic acid is very important your the growth and development of the fetus’s nervous system. A pregnant woman needs more vitamin B during her pregnancy.  

Vitamins also help in the production of the energy that is needed to develop new brain cells. 

Consuming enough vitamin B is always good for you. Since B vitamins are water-soluble and don’t store in your body. Thus, it’s necessary to eat food loaded with B vitamins regularly. 

Vitamins help your cells to produce energy that may be helpful in the production of red blood cells. Beans health benefits may help in fueling your brain and balance glucose levels.  

Glucose is very important for your brain function including thinking, memory, and concentration.  

Eat enough beans means “you’re pampering your brain” which is more important.  

Final Words 

Beans are a rich source of protein, fibre, minerals and vitamins with many health benefits such as being good for skin, babies, hair, and bone as well as for women during pregnancy.  

You can make many healthy and delicious recipes which may help improve your overall health. When you eat a lot of beans, actually you are adding health to your body and defending against diseases.  

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